tisdag 22 december 2009

Mosquito Tactics in Vienna

Invited by SVEA in Sweden, Mosquito Tactics was presented in OBESSU´s 5th European School Student Convention “Education in the Globalised World: threats and chances” started in Vienna. The book was well received in the conference as a theoretical and practical tool to develop initiatives to solve global conflicts from local perspectives.

Rodolfo Zúñiga from CISV Sweden, together with Emma Hosbond from Operation Dayswork and Denise Tan from Amnesty International were in the panel debate "Can everyone be a global actor?". The panel gave the possibility to show how CISV works actively in global topics as human rights and sustainable from concrete local actions worldwide. In this matter, Mosquito Tactics served as a tool to help people to become global actors from their school, neighborhood, family, etc.

tisdag 8 december 2009

Mosquito Tactics - the movie

CISV Sweden wants to be part of United Nations Human Rights Day by giving all of you 'Mosquito Tactics - The Movie'.

What is peace? Is there such a thing? And if there isn't – how can we create it together?

The movie is inspired by 'Mosquito Tactics - a book about peace education'. Both the movie and the book bring up many weighty subjects but also show how you can make the world a better place through peace education, commitment and working together with others.

CISV Sweden would like to give a huge thank you to Nic Hargreaves and Johan Sundell for making this peace action come true!

Order your own copy of the book Mosquito Tactics here

Are you interested in 'Mosquito Tactics - The Movie' to promote more peaceful actions? Leave us a comment here or send us an email at mosquito@se.cisv.org and we'll get back to you with more information.

Mosquito Tactics - the trailer!

Mosquito Tactics - the movie
on your screen 12.00 GMT, Dec 10th 2009.

fredag 4 december 2009

Mosquito Tactics Film! 10th December, 12:00 GMT

In just a few days the Mosquito Tactics film will be launched on this blog. We have chosen the 10th of December
(12:00 GMT) as it is the United Nations Human Rights Day:

10 December 2009 -- On this day in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a universal standard for
defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration. It is celebrated around the globe that "All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms".Human Rights Day 2009 is focused on non-discrimination. "All human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights". These first few famous words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established 60 years ago the basic premise of international human rights law. Yet today, the fight against discrimination remains a daily struggle for millions around the globe. The realisation of all human rights - social, economic and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – is hampered by discrimination. All too often, when faced with prejudice and discrimination, political leaders , governments and ordinary citizens are silent or complacent.
Source: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

This is why this day is suitable to launch the Mosquito Tactics Film as its main purpose is to empower people to use human rights.

"More of us need to pay attention to the UN’s 30 Articles included in the declaration, and to critically examine our communities in the context of human rights. A person who strives for positive peace must therefore critically examine the society in
which he or she lives."
Mosquito Tactics, page 41

torsdag 19 november 2009

Peace initiave: Mosquito Camp 09 - CISV Möndal

Last summer CISV Möndal chapter in Sweden arranged a Mosaic project with the economical support of Olof Palme Foundation. This project was a succesful local camp for children with Culture of Peace as a theme and inspired by Mosquito Tactics:

Mosquito camp 09!

The summer camp this year was like an inspiration bomb that I didn´t see coming. Suddenly the camp had become a mosaic project and lots of serious meetings were booked up in my calendar.

Vi talked about how we were going to do something new out of the coming camp, how we in CISV could change our thoughts and opinions, but most of all: How we were going to the best local camp ever! Mosquito Camp!

The whole process with Mosquito camp has been a new part of my earlier experience of being a leader on local camps. All the activities were planned into every detail so that we always knew how, what, and why we did the activity, and also what mark it would leave in children’s life.

Mosquito Tactics gave us a clearer and more define picture of what peace education is. We got inspiration about how we should reach a goal and why we wanted to achieve that goal. The book gave us a way of thinking that is much more criticizing and it also brought up discussion questions that we used a lot after and during our activities.

The camp was a success and became the best local camp I have taken part of ever. Children´s way of taking part in the discussions, asking, giving their own opinion and listening to each other was almost like a shock to us towards the end of the camp. The kids brought personal things in the discussion and opened up themselves. It was quite fantastic to see that all the kids accepting each other’s opinions.

We succeeded with making eleven year old kids think more critical and realize that their own opinion was as much worth in the discussion than anyone else’s, and I would say that was our biggest goal with the entire Mosquito Camp.

They became fully completed “mosquitoes”.

Jesper Nilsson

Here is the rapport to Olof Palme Foundation (in Swedish) about the camp.

måndag 2 november 2009

Mosquito tactics collaborates with UNESCO Power of Peace Network

Mosquito Tactics and Mosquito Tactics blog were introduce during the sesssion "Innovation in media and ICTs for peace: Youth leadership" in the Second Global Forum of the Power of Peace organized by UNESCOs department of communication and information

Together with projects from other international organisations, Mosquito Tactics was a good example of empowerment for youth involvement in the uses of media and communication tools (Mosquito blog) for self expression on matters like mutual understanding and peace.

Mosquito Tactics was well received by representatives from organisations in Bangladesh, South Korea, England, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, among many others.

onsdag 28 oktober 2009

Mosquito Tactics reporting from Bangkok

Today is the first day of the UNESCO Second Global Forum on the Power of Peace. This is a working conference designed for the further development of the Power of Peace Network (PPN). The main porpoise of PPN is to increase mutual understanding around the world by supporting diverse social and cultural self-expression through modern tools of information and communication.

Tomorrow morning, Mosquito Tactics and Mosquito Tactics blog will be present in the session "Innovation in Media and ICTs for Peace: Youth Leadership". MT blog will be shown as an effective communication tool for active global citizens and the sharing of their peace initiatives all over the world inspired by Mosquito Tactics.

This is a great opportunity to show how CISV collaborate with the development of more peaceful and justice societies.

fredag 16 oktober 2009

Jan Eliasson has one

- get your own copy of Mosquito tactics at www.cisv.se/mosquitotactics

fredag 2 oktober 2009

Mosquito tactics agree with Ban Ki-moon

UN Press, 2 October 2009

Gandhi’s message of non-violent struggle key to facing modern threats

Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy of non-violence in the face of aggression is an enduring symbol of hope for leaders and grass-roots campaigners alike in defeating the growing number of hostile forces threatening the modern world, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

In a message marking the third annual International Day of Non-violence, observed on 2 October in honour of Mr. Gandhi’s birthday, Mr. Ban said that Mr. Gandhi understood that a powerful idea could change the world.

“He knew that individuals, working alone and together, could realize what others might dismiss as impossible dreams,” Mr. Ban said of Mr. Gandhi, whose non-violent struggle led to an independent India and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom around the globe.

“We strive, for example, to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction,” he said. “Recent initiatives and meetings, including last week’s Security Council summit on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, have improved prospects for reductions in global arsenals.”

Mr. Ban underscored the importance of sustaining this momentum, and called on the international community to press for success at next year’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference and beyond.

“The call to non-violence need not apply only to the use of deadly weapons,” he added. “The United Nations and its grass-roots partners have long campaigned to stop the human assault on our planet.”

Greenhouse gas emissions have long threatened the planet, he said, urging activists everywhere “to turn up the heat on world leaders to seal a deal at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.”

fredag 25 september 2009

The Mosquito Tactics Film

By mid-October the Mosquito Tactics Film (shot in Kenya) will be available. The film is about a) the concept of peace, and b) the book Mosquito Tactics.

tisdag 22 september 2009

On a flight between Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, El Salvador

Mosquito tactics likes The Human Arrows Project

Peace initiatives at its best: http://www.ijr.cisv.org/mwiki/index.php/Human_Arrows

måndag 21 september 2009

Berlin, Germany

fredag 11 september 2009

Some words from a National Junior Representative

For our national meeting in JB, we thought it would be cool to show how useful Mosquito Tactics can be.

We used one of the suggested activities, the Social Ladder, for one of our sessions, and took a selection of the questions on the blank pages, for a fast, open discussion. These were both very well received, and so when we revealed that both these ideas had come from the book, we had already shown it in use.

As well as this, we took quotes and some images from the book, and had intended to use these to provoke thoughts about peace, before revealing that they were all from the book.

Of course, we also got people excited about the launch by leaving small pictures of mosquitos in the rooms, because we thought we'd let everyone try sleeping with a mosquito in the room!

Thanks a lot for Mosquito Tactics!
James, JB Great Britain

måndag 31 augusti 2009

söndag 30 augusti 2009

måndag 10 augusti 2009

Mosquito Tactics is spreading over the world!

Want to know where the copies are? Here are the names of some of the people who bought a copy of the book at the launch party the 6th of August!

Didn't get your hands on a copy? 

Check this link out: www.cisv.se/mosquitotactics

fredag 7 augusti 2009


So finally came the big day of launching of the book. We brought 140 copies to Guatemala and they sold out in 15 minutes. The Mosquito team was at the end of the night tired of all the work but proud of the process final publication. But it is now the real work is starting with communicating and using the book in our peace education work. For those of you who are interested in ordering more books you can find information through this link.

torsdag 6 augusti 2009

Preview #5 Today is the day

The launching of Mosquito tactics will take place TODAY at the annual meeting of CISV in Guatemala. The book will be launched at Thursday the 6th at 23:59 (Guatemalan time). Don't miss it

onsdag 5 augusti 2009

How to get your copy of Mosquito Tactics

(click on the image to open the picture in a bigger format)

Preview #4

The launching of Mosquito tactics will take place at the annual meeting of CISV in Guatemala. The book will be launched at Thursday the 6th at 23:59 (Guatemalan time). Don't miss it

tisdag 4 augusti 2009

Preview #3

The launching of Mosquito tactics will take place at the annual meeting of CISV in Guatemala. The book will be launched at Thursday the 6th at 23:59 (Guatemalan time). Don't miss it

Preview #2

The launching of Mosquito tactics will take place at the annual meeting of CISV in Guatemala. The book will be launched at Thursday the 6th at 23:59 (Guatemalan time). Don't miss it

måndag 3 augusti 2009

Preview #1

The launching of Mosquito tactics will take place at the annual meeting of CISV in Guatemala. The book will be launched at Thursday the 6th at 23:59 (Guatemalan time). Don't miss it.

torsdag 23 juli 2009

A Book, About Peace Education

I got the idea of writing a book when I finished my Masters Education in Human Rights and Peace Education at Universidad Nacional in San José, Costa Rica, 2006. I felt that I wanted to share my knowledge about culture of peace, and peace education with more people. I wanted to challenge the common opinion of what peace is, and inspire people to critically examine the society in which we live.

At the time I didn’t know that it all would end up in a book called Mosquito Tactics or that it were to be published through the organisation CISV Sweden. But the fact that it turned out the way it did is something that I am very happy about, and proud of today. I hope that it will become useful to you, and that you keep it and re-use it when you need inspiration.

Mosquito Tactics is created by a large international editorial team, and it’s inspired from my Master Thesis. Within this editorial team we have shared ideas, knowledge, thoughts and experiences. We have been working intensively from different parts of the world to make this book a reality. We met a couple of times in Stockholm and Landskrona in Sweden, but most of the work has been carried out, with lots of commitment and goal directed work, through conversations over the phone, chat and e-mail. Our editorial team consists of committed members of CISV, but also a hired journalist, a translator, an illustrator, a printer and a photographer.

The book is divided into four parts. To start with, we present a number of concepts. Later in the book we show how you can use them in different projects and activities. You’ll find the main text of Mosquito Tactics on the white pages. On the blue pages we present four people that we feel are important contributors of knowledge since they have played an important role for peace education and culture of peace globally. The yellow sections has activities taken from, amongst others, CISV’s activities. The black pages are an introduction to different peace education projects. Lastly, in the orange pages of the book, we describe in short how CISV works for peace.

We have chosen to leave some pages in the book completely blank. We hope you’ll write and contribute to these pages. That is really the main goal of Mosquito Tactics – to get more people committed and interested in creating sustainable peace.

/ Rodolfo Zúñiga, Vice President, CISV Sweden and
Project Manager, Mosquito Tactics

Sweden, July 2009

måndag 20 juli 2009

Mosquito tactics talks to Dalai Lama about peace education.

Mosquito tactics had the opportunity to be present when his highnes Dalai Lama held his speech about peace in Raykjavik, Island. The question we asked was:

Is peace education important? And on which level should it be implemented, on an elementary level or as a university course?

–Well, I think that in the schools of the modern society we pay too much attention on the development of our intellect and forget about the importance of on teaching about morality, ethics and compassion. We should focus more on the significance of having a good heart, then automaticly we will educate our students about the importance of being a kind person. Our own hearts and the compassion within them are important for creating a positive way of thinking, for creating a happy family, happy communities and happy individuals.

When you say peace education I would like to respond with saying that the use of the word non-violence is better than the word peace even thou they both have the same meaning. This because the word non-violence has a stronger impact and expresses an action of compassion. With more love and compassion attitudes and actions change into being non-violent.

Whether one uses non-violence or violence is very much based on the motivation behind the act. With a negative motivation the use of nice words and a smile can be an act of violence because your motivation behind the act is to cheat and maybe even harm someone else. On the other hand good parents and teachers sometimes have to take some harsh actions in order to help their children and students. Harsh words that appear as violent may be non-violente because the motivation behind the act is one of compassion made out of sence of concern.

Non-violence and compassion are acually ancient indian thoughts, so therefore I consider myself as an messenger of ancient indian thought.

At one occasion I met with George W. Bush while he was the president of the United States. I told him “I love you, but I don’t agree with some of your policies”. This is a good example of an act of non-violence.

We should promote the concept of non-violence and teach our students how to get such an attitude that as soon as they see a conflict they'll emediately respond on solving the problem with a dialog. And this should be tought right from the beginning, in the kindergaden.

Thanks to Hanna Mia Brekkan Jonstam (NJR, CISV Sweden) for asking the question.

måndag 13 juli 2009

tisdag 7 juli 2009

Work in progress... (3)

Work in progress... (2)

torsdag 2 juli 2009

Mosquito camp!

For those of you with a good memory you might remember when we told you that CISV Mölndal were hosting the first ever Mosquito camp.
The camp is now over and was a great success!

Joanda, one of the staffs, kept a blog where she wrote about what they were up to. If you are interested in knowing more about this check the blog out here: http://www.cisv.se/blogg/joanda-svenheden

(you need to either speak swedish or be good friends with http://translate.google.com)

torsdag 25 juni 2009

Work in progress... (1)

torsdag 11 juni 2009

Have you recently read a book?

Watched a movie? Listened to a song or radio show?
Noticed a piece of art? Played a game?
Or have you done or seen something else that had an impact on you?

Mosquito Tactics needs your help!

We are looking for different resources where interested people can find more information about the different topics Moquito Tactics relates to. The idea is that when you read the book and get interested in a topic you will already get some ideas on where to continue looking for more information.

So please, if you have any suggestions - please send them to us at mosquito@se.cisv.org

onsdag 10 juni 2009

Mosquito tactics hang-out (31/05/09)

Manchester, Great Britain

tisdag 9 juni 2009

Tácticas de mosquitos en español

Tácticas de mosquitos ha recibido apoyo financiero adicional que hace posible que nosotros para hacer una traducción al español también (lo que probablemente es mucho mejor que esta traducción de Google).

Traducciones al español, francés y árabe se hará en el otoño de 2009.

måndag 1 juni 2009

Get your Mosquito-tactics-sticker-photos to be in the next version of the book

  1. Be inspired by the photos on page 48–55 in the book.
  2. Use the stickers that you got with your book.
  3. Take a photo of your sticker (we need it to be high resolution).
  4. Send an e-mail to mosquito@se.cisv.org with your photo and details on where it was taken.
If your photo is really good, we might put it in the book for when we print 10 000 copies in July 2009.

fredag 29 maj 2009

Q's, Round 8/8, 29 May 09 – Overall

  1. Do you have any overall comments you would like to tell us about the book?
  2. Do you have a story of when the book has made a difference, how it has made you feel, or if it has pissed you off?
  3. What do you think would be a fair price to pay for the Mosquito tactics book?

This is the last round of questions. We want to thank all of you who have sent in feed-back to us. All feed-back, negative as positive, is compiled and will be considered and used when making the next version of the book.

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org


måndag 25 maj 2009

Q's, Round 7/8, 25 May 09 – Design, photos, and illustrations

Before taking time to answer this question please have another look at the book, focusing on how it looks and feels.
  1. Considering the target group (non-native English speakers, age 15–50, from different parts of the world), what do you think about the look of the book?
  2. When picking up and browsing the book – does it invite you to read it?
  3. What do you think about the illustrations and the photos used the book – do you find them relevant to the content in the book?
  4. Do you have a favourite photo or illustration in the book, and if so – what one and why that one?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

tisdag 19 maj 2009

Q's, Round 6, 13 May 19 – Language

Before taking time to answer this question please have 2nd look at the book, focusing on the language used.
  • Considering the target group (non-native English speakers, age 15–50, from different parts of the world), do you think the language used in Mosquito tactics is suitable? And, if not; how could it improve?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

tisdag 12 maj 2009

Q's, Round 5, 13 May 09 – Content: Peace Initiative

Before taking time to answer these questions please first read the section on "Peace Initiative" (page 80–97).
  1. After reading the content in the section Peace Initiative, do you fell that you understand how CISV concretely works with Peace and Peace Education?
  2. Do you feel that it is within your power to create Peace Initiatives?
  3. How do you feel about the different types of initiatives that are presented on page 86, do you find them relevant to the four different areas of Peace Education that CISV works with; Identity and Global Awareness, Human Rights, Conflict and Resolution and Sustainable Development and Environment?
  4. How do you feel about the guide for Active Participation on page 90–92?
  5. How do you feel about the guide to Create Your Project on page 94?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

fredag 8 maj 2009

Q's, Round 4, 8 May 09 – Content: Peace Education

Before taking time to answer these questions please first read the section on "Peace Education" (page 56–72).
  1. Do you feel that you understand the content in the section Peace education (page 56–72)?
  2. The 'problem tree' that is explained on page 58–59, do you feel that it is useful in analyzing and discussing problems?
  3. How do you feel about ASK as a model for creating Peace Education (page 64–65)?
  4. Looking at the concept of Experimental learning (Do > Reflect > Generalize > Apply) as it is explained on page 68–70, do you find it useful for understanding how we work with Peace Education in CISV?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

To identify a problem or a symptom you can use the problem tree. The leaves and the crown are the symptoms of a problem - things that we as people often notice. The tree trunk keeps the problem alive, and it's about how our society works and what people do. The roots, that are difficult to see, are the basis of the problem and that is what’s causing the symptoms. We need to focus on the roots to counteract structural violence and gain positive peace.

måndag 4 maj 2009

Q's, Round 3, 4 May 09 – Content: Peace Culture

Before taking time to answer these questions please first read the section on "Peace Culture" (page 27-47).

“…a culture of peace, which consists of values, attitudes and behaviours that reflect and inspire social interaction and sharing based on the principles of freedom, justice and democracy, all human rights, tolerance and solidarity, that reject violence and endeavour to prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation and that guarantee the full exercise of all rights and the means to participate fully in the development process of their society.”

Resolutions adopted by the united nations General Assembly 1998
53/25 International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence
for the Children of the World, 2001-2010

  1. After reading the section “Peace culture” how do you think the world should act to prevent conflicts?
  2. How would you explain what a global citizen is? Do you feel like a global citizen?
  3. Which are the five most important values for creating a peace culture?
  4. What are your general thoughts about the content in this section?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

tisdag 28 april 2009

Q's, Round 2, 28 April 09 – Content: Peace

Before taking time to answer these questions please first read the section on "Peace" (page 11-19).
  1. After reading the section on "Peace", do you feel that you live in a country where there is peace?
  2. Do you understand the difference between war, violence, strutural violence, peace and positive peace?
  3. What does the concept of "positive peace" mean to you?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org