Today is the first day of the UNESCO Second Global Forum on the Power of Peace. This is a working conference designed for the further development of the Power of Peace Network (PPN). The main porpoise of PPN is to increase mutual understanding around the world by supporting diverse social and cultural self-expression through modern tools of information and communication.
Tomorrow morning, Mosquito Tactics and Mosquito Tactics blog will be present in the session "Innovation in Media and ICTs for Peace: Youth Leadership". MT blog will be shown as an effective communication tool for active global citizens and the sharing of their peace initiatives all over the world inspired by Mosquito Tactics.
This is a great opportunity to show how CISV collaborate with the development of more peaceful and justice societies.
Great to have Mosquito Tactics and it´s blog exposed on a UNESCO conference! They are great examples of efficient, innovative and not least FUN information and communication techniques, that address a wide audience.
SvaraRaderaThe best of luck during the presentation Rodo!!
Very cool. Please keep us updated.
SvaraRaderaThis is awesome. Good luck on the presentation! I just got my copy of Mosquito Tactics and I can't wait to read through it.