fredag 27 mars 2009

USA bitten by the Mosquito!

Last weekend Mosquito Tactics was introduced at the Regional Training Forum (RTF) in USA. 
The book was introduced at the training alongside Big Ed and the Passport (two new amazing eductional tools - check them out!).

Kiran, the Education and Training Officer at the International Office (IO), who was at the training says:
"The overall reaction to the book concept was very favourable. People definitely saw a role for the book within the spread of educational publications we have. The content of the book was of interest, particularly the background information on Peace Culture/Peace education which has been missing from previous publications. 
In short, the overall reaction to the book was extremely positive. There was also talk of version zero becoming a limited edition collectors item!"

People at the RTF also thought that:
  • Mosquito tactics would be an excellent marketing tool.
  • The book had great new illustrations for Educational content/ASK/Experiential learning and liked the fact that these illustrations were consistent within all three publications (Big Ed, Passport and Mosquito tactics)
  • the style of the book and quality of the paper/printing felt very professional and engaging.

We look forward to getting feedback from all of you! Read more about how you can contribute to the development of Mosquito tactics here.

torsdag 26 mars 2009

What pisses you off?

Mosquito tactics was used for the first time in CISV Sweden's leadership training (Impact) this last weekend. Several of the sessions were developed in line with (or used) the content of the book.

The picture below shows how we used the part of the book that asks the reader 'What Pisses Yout Off? and the 'tree-model' in a session to discuss and brainstorm on challenges and opportunities in our society.

torsdag 19 mars 2009

What is a Mosquito camp?

This very good question was asked in one of the comments here on the blog and who better to explain than one of the coordinators of the camp?

We asked Joanda from CISV Mölndal to explain it to us. This is what she said:

"Well, we have no idea, yet…
But this is how it's gonna go:
We have 10 leaders, room for 25 kids between the ages 10 to 12 and five days. We have 4 mosquito-eduactaion-evenings for the leaders to work with the different parts of the book Mosquito tactics and the foundations of CISV:
  • Diversity
  • Human Rights
  • Conflict and Resolution
  • Sustainable Development
From the book and the inspiration we get from it we are going to plan our camp. COOL !!!
The theme will be 'Mosquito - even a small mosquito can bite!' We want to work with the kids and make them realize that they can make a difference, even if they are small (like a mosquito). Get it? YEY!!"

onsdag 18 mars 2009

The Mosquito graffiti wall

Photograph: Graeme Robertson/Getty
During the launch party Mosquito tactics had it's very own graffiti wall where people could leave their thoughts on the book.

Here you can read what some people wrote.
  • ”glädje kärlek och fred”
  • ”blir sugen på att påverka efter att boken har släppts! Bra jobbat!
  • ”Ja! Vi gör skillnad”
  • ”Inte mot--- FÖR!”
  • ”Dela med dig av din kärlek inte bara till de närmsta”
  • ”Var ärlig tänk positivt, då kommer du långt”
  • ”Time is Peace”
  • ”Dansa som om ingen tittade, älska som du aldrig blivit sårad – Mark Twain”
  • ”Heja fredsboken”
  • ”Carl och Ulle likes mosquitos”
  • ”Cualquer tonto puder hacer las cosao más complejas más”

tisdag 17 mars 2009

CISV Mölndal arranges first Mosquito camp!

CISV Mölndal introduces the concept of "Mosquito camp". Amazing initiative!

How will you use Mosquito tactics?

söndag 15 mars 2009

more launch photos!

lördag 14 mars 2009

Mosquito tactics world tour spring 2009

onsdag 11 mars 2009

Launch party, Malmö, Sweden

photos by: jens johansson
do you have any photos from the evening? send them to us at

fredag 6 mars 2009

Launch day

Today is a big day in the history of Mosquito tactics. Today, the 6th of march 2009 the book is launched with a big party in the center of Malmö (Sweden). You are all very invited!

Today is also a great day for Mosquito tactics because it’s the day we officially launch the Mosquito tactics blog. (Yes! This one!).Our hope is that this blog will be an insanely interactive part of the internet were we all can share our thoughts about this book. The goal of this blog is to involve all of you in this amazing project and through that improve the next versions of the book.

The blog will be updated regularly with photos and texts from different workshops where the book is being used. You can help with this! Sometimes we will post discussion questions and we hope you’ll all join the discussions. We would love to collect new sticker pictures - so grab a sticker, your camera and get out there! Then please send us your pictures! (To learn how to get in touch with us check out the “feedback” section - you’ll find it in the top of the right side of this page). These are just a few ways for you to get involved.

Mosquito tactics belongs to you! Now let’s get this party started!

Ps. If you understand Swedish and want to read a sample of the book you'll find one here:

onsdag 4 mars 2009

Translation and reproduction of Mosquito Tactics

CISV Sweden wishes to promote the translation and reproducement of Mosquito Tactics into other languages.

Mosquito Tactics has been a big investment for CISV Sweden and we believe that its use will have a big impact worldwide. If your NA is interested in translating Mosquito Tactics, please read more in the "Letter of agreement for Mosquito Tactics translations" and contact us at

Thank you very much for your help in promoting Mosquito Tactics.

CISV Sweden – Building Global Friendship
Address: CISV Sweden, Högalidsgatan 36A, SE-117 30 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 7515544

tisdag 3 mars 2009

Invite us to your conference

Are you hosting a conference where you'd like us to give a workshop?
We would love to come help out!

If you are interested in having a Mosquito tactics workshop at your conference please contact us at


If you'd like to get in touch with us please email us at

How to order the book

CISV Sweden has put a lot of money into the project, and we need to sell a lot of books to break even. Therefore we hope that you and your CISV organisation will give using the book a try.

The book costs 6 Euro each (plus postage costs). The postage cost for one book is 9 Euro (for outside Europe) or 8 Euro (for inside Europe). But if you buy a full box (30 books) there is a discount on the books, and that (including cost for postage) brings down the price to app. 5.3 Euro per book (for outside Europe) or app. 4.8 Euro per book (for inside Europe).

Order your books here

Bocas, Panama

CISV Sweden's office, Stockholm, Sweden

Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua

Malmö, Sweden

Salvador, Brazil

Suggest quotes

As you probably know the name Mosquito tactics comes from the quote "if you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room".

Inside Mosquito tactics you'll find stickers with different quotes somehow connected to peace and peace education. (These are also the stickers that you can find on the "Sticker pictures" here on the blog.) Now we want more nice quotes!

Do you know a quote that you think would be great to use in the book? Something that made you think twice (maybe even three times)?

Send us your quotes! Either you can post them as comments below this post or you can email them to:

Thanks for your help!

Impact (SWE)

CISV arbetar med upplevelsebaserat lärande och fredsutbildning för aktivt världsmedborgarskap. Impact är CISV Sweden’s utbildning i ledarskap, projekt och fred.

Impact är till för dig i åldern 13–100 år och som vill utmana och utveckla dig själv. Utbildningen ger verktyg för att skapa freds-utbildning och består av tre delar: A) centrala kompetenser B) tema samt C) fördjupande utbildning.

Utbildningens tema är mänskliga rättigheter, hållbar utveckling, konflikthantering eller mångfald och ger en grundläggande förståelse för temat, dess dynamiker och användningsområden. Metoderna är interaktiva och varierande och utvecklar deltagarnas attityder, kunskaper och färdigheter samtidigt som man har roligt tillsammans. En viktig del i utbildningen är mötet och utbytet mellan deltagarna och det nätverk av vänner som uppstår genom detta.

Årligen genomför CISV Sweden cirka sex större utbildningar, varav hälften på våren och hälften på hösten. Varje utbildning förläggs på en helg och har cirka 70 deltagare. Utbildningen tar sin utgångspunkt i följande centrala kompetenser: ledarskap, konflikt och riskhantering, inkludering, mötesteknik, grupprocesser och -dynamik, aktivitetsplanering, kulturmöten, mål och utvärdering samt upplevelsebaserat lärande. Innehållet i den fördjupande delen av utbildningarna skräddarsys utifrån målgruppens behov och önskemål.


Utbildningarna är kostnadsfria (exklusive resa). För anmälan och deltagande gäller först-till-kvarn-principen. Läs mer och anmäl dig på


Thank you for choosing to read Mosquito Tactics. This is valuable, not just to us, but hopefully to you and the people around you.

Is it something in the book you don’t like, something that is really good, or is it something you don’t quite understand? Has the book has made an impact on you in some way? Tell us about your own peace project!

Contact us at
Or, join our feedback group on Facebook here:


Mosquito Tactics is created and published by CISV Sweden with financial support from the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

However, for the project to reach it's full potential we still need further funding. Our vision is to raise another 200 000 – 400 000 SEK (app. 20 000 – 40 000 Euro).

Our vision is to print 20 000 copies in five languages (Arabic, English, Frensh, Spanish and Swedish), to be able to have a comprehensive webbpage for the book, to be able to distribute it all over the world.

If you know anyone who could be interested in joining the project financially please contact us at

Any amount of financial support is more than welcome.

Mosquito tactics

A Book About Peace Education

“If you think you are too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”

What is peace? Is there such a thing? And if there isn’t – how can we create it together? Hopefully, Mosquito Tactics makes you think and see your everyday life in a new way. This book brings up many weighty subjects and phenomena, such as racism, gender discrimination and poverty. On the other hand we also show how you can make the world a better place through peace education, commitment and working together with others.

Mosquito Tactics is inspired by ‘Peace education and the educational approach of CISV International’ by Rodolfo Zúñiga. A Masters Thesis in human rights and peace education. Mosquito Tactics is created and published by CISV Sweden with financial support from the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

ISBN 978-91-978298-1-6 (ENG)
ISBN 978-91-978298-0-9 (SWE)
Antigua/Guatemala, h. 23.59/2009-08-06

Editorial Team: 
Adam Axelsson, Louise Dane, Cecilia Elmqvist, Daniel Frelén, Victoria Frelén, Teresa Hansson, Nicholas Hargreaves, Ola Isaksson, Marcos Tourinho and Rodolfo Zúñiga
Project Manager:
Rodolfo Zúñiga
Project Coordinator and Layout: 
Adam Axelsson
Ola Isaksson
Johan Sundell
Jens Grönberg
English Translation: 
Victoria Frelén
Print: Print One AB, Halmstad/Sweden
Thanks to: Stina Abrahamsson, Jenny Andersson, Maru Ayam, Hanna Mia Brekkan Jonstam, Ulrika Dane, Rowan El Shimi, Babsi Enko, Denise Farrar, Kiran Hingorani, Cecilia Hjalmarsson, Robert Holland, Jens Johansson, CISV Kenya, Florian Krisch, Bastian Küntzel, Kerstin Lundman, Kelly Lynn Bowden, CISV Malmö-Lund, Nathalie Milina, Kärstin Mörk, Alex Neuman, Vinh Prag, Gustaf Stenlund, Sara Svensson and Jennifer Watson