torsdag 25 juni 2009

Work in progress... (1)

torsdag 11 juni 2009

Have you recently read a book?

Watched a movie? Listened to a song or radio show?
Noticed a piece of art? Played a game?
Or have you done or seen something else that had an impact on you?

Mosquito Tactics needs your help!

We are looking for different resources where interested people can find more information about the different topics Moquito Tactics relates to. The idea is that when you read the book and get interested in a topic you will already get some ideas on where to continue looking for more information.

So please, if you have any suggestions - please send them to us at

onsdag 10 juni 2009

Mosquito tactics hang-out (31/05/09)

Manchester, Great Britain

tisdag 9 juni 2009

Tácticas de mosquitos en español

Tácticas de mosquitos ha recibido apoyo financiero adicional que hace posible que nosotros para hacer una traducción al español también (lo que probablemente es mucho mejor que esta traducción de Google).

Traducciones al español, francés y árabe se hará en el otoño de 2009.

måndag 1 juni 2009

Get your Mosquito-tactics-sticker-photos to be in the next version of the book

  1. Be inspired by the photos on page 48–55 in the book.
  2. Use the stickers that you got with your book.
  3. Take a photo of your sticker (we need it to be high resolution).
  4. Send an e-mail to with your photo and details on where it was taken.
If your photo is really good, we might put it in the book for when we print 10 000 copies in July 2009.